Gunn and Webby's SPERO!


Gunn and Webby's SPERO is an inspiring adventure novel for readers of all ages.

Written by Garrett Gunn and illustrated by Martha Webby, this story emphasizes the importance of courage, compassion, and acceptance. With its beautiful illustrations and gripping plot, it teaches invaluable lessons about the power of the human (or Rabbit) spirit!

Taking up a defensive home base within the city of Vurgstraad, a council of ancient sorcerers have spent the last hundred years fending themselves off from a barrage of attacks by The House of Bayek.

While three generations of Bayek have tried to destroy Vurgstraad, a counter-weapon was born within the heart of the city. A weapon with the ability to recapture the hearts of those once condemned to evil. 

A weapon known as The Heartbreaker. 

Hidden deep within a mysterious crystallized universe, a secret race of caretakers have waited for this weapon to be claimed by The Chosen One. A hero said to be the sole champion capable of wielding it. The Breaker of Hearts. The Healer of Worlds.

(W) Garrett Gunn (Good Boy, Little Red Ronin, Fear Diaries) with assists by Christina Blanch (Good Boy, Damnation of Charlie Wormwood). 

(A) Martha Webby. 

(CA) Nicolas Touris (Franklin and Ghost, The Misadventurers)!

156 Pages.